If you’re looking for discounts or coupons for Dallas Zoo, you have several places to look that can save you money on your next trip:
• Ride DART to the Dallas Zoo on a Monday or Tuesday (the Red Line has a rail station at the Dallas Zoo) and by showing your same-day DART pass at the ticket booth, you’ll receive $3 off an adult ticket (ages 12 - 64), $3 off a child’s ticket (ages 3 – 11), and $3 off a senior’s ticket (ages 65 and up). Children 2 and under are always free.
• If you are a AAA member, you can get Dallas Zoo discount coupons ranging anywhere from 30% to 50% off the normal admission. The discount seems to vary depending on the time of the year, but if you are a AAA member, be sure to show them your membership card at the ticket booth to see how much of a discount your are entitled to.
• If you plan on going to the Dallas Zoo more than once, consider purchasing an individual or family membership and becoming a member of the Dallas Zoological Society. With an Individual Membership ($69 annually), you’ll get free admission for one adult and one guest all year, plus two free Monorail and two free Carousel tickets. You also get free parking (a $5 savings).
If you purchase a Family Membership ($79 annually), you get free admission all year for one or two named adults in the same household and all their children or grandchildren (under 18), plus four free Monorail tickets and four free Carousel tickets, as well as free parking.
• You can often find even more Dallas Zoo discount coupons by checking their website
(www.dallaszoo.com) for occasional special promotions. (Click on their Events & Parties tab, then the Events Calendar.) Normally they will offer half-price admission and even $1 admissions at certain times throughout the year, so definitely scroll through their calendar for these money-saving promotions. With just a little bit of research and legwork, you should be able to find some Dallas Zoo coupons or discounts of some type that will save you money on your next visit.